XMS 4e7' 05

huat huat huat! hand in hand. till the end.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


hey ppl, first time bloggin here.
to all the muggers, dun study anymore. we know you are pros.
to non muggers, all the best in ur tyco-skills.
haha good luck!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Pre lims

Sheri here...
Pre lims are here! Study hard everyone!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Marina South.

we had fun. :))

pity that most of you couldnt make it.

i'm lazy to rewrite evrything that happened, so if you wanna know,

visit HERE!

Monday, August 08, 2005

marina south anyone?

i was thinking of going to marina south tmr.
to have some steamboat, watch the national day parade party,
see the project superstar contestants
and watch the FIREWORKS!!
anyone interested?
we could go as a CLASS!

please contact me okay?

i know it's kind of short notice,
but i just thought of it TODAY.


Saturday, August 06, 2005

60th anniversary!`

it rocked! and i think our class cheer awakened everyone's senses. lol.

huat ah!
huat cai!
huat kee!
huat nee nee!

actually i dont really get what it means, but who cares?

and congrats to all who participated in the anniversary celebrations

band: me, wenlin, hanyong, clarence
npcc: loga, asri
ushers: jason, sri, sheri, lyndel, izaac
choir: bonn
st johns: huiqi
girl's brigade: krissy

WE DID IT! YEH! and i think the minister is so COOL.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

60th anniversary eve`.

tomorrow's the BIG DAY! the REAL DEAL. The recognition for all our efforts. So everyone, just try your best to get in the feel tmr. especially during the school cheer.

3 cheers and 3 cheers and 3 cheers for xinmin.
ooh ah ah ah
ooh ah ah ah
ooh ah ah ah.

:)) dont forget the hand movements!!

Recent events``
1. someone's pregnant.
2. irene tan wont be back for 2 weeks.
3. choo's leaving on 1 sep

please leave comments!! =D

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

random stuff.

boys and girls.
reminder`` please hand up 15 bucks and your acknowledgement slips tmr!
if not prepare for doom.
and ger a haircut or your nails trimmed.
and i heard mr choo's leaving on 1 sep..